Producatorul suedez Saab spera ca va reusi sa-si vanda avionul multirol, Gripen, in Malaezia.
Malaezia a lansat cu ceva vreme in urma un concurs de oferte pentru inlocuirea celor 18 avioane MiG-29 pe care le are in dotare. Au fost selectate in final cinci aparate moderne, insa totul a fost amanat din cauza problemelor financiare ale tarii.
Acum, cei de la Saab ies la rampa cu o serie de declaratii care le sunt caracteristice, informand asupra costului redus de achizitie si operare al Gripenului.
Pe langa Gripen, in competitia malaeziana au mai ramas Eurofighter Typhoon, Dassault Rafale, Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet si Suhoi Su-30.Swedish company Saab still hopes to sell it’s multi-role fighter jet, the Gripen, in Malaysia.
Malaysia launched a while ago a tender for the replacement of it’s 18 aging MiG-29 jets.In the first phase of the tender, five modern multi-role fighters were selected, but all was delayed indefinitely due to country’s financial problems.
Now, the Saab officials came out with a series of statements that are somehow characteristic to them, informing the public over Gripen’s low cost of acquisition and operation.
Besides the Gripen, in the Malaysian competition remained the Eurofighter Typhoon, Dassault Rafale, Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and Sukhoi Su-30.
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